
Practical use and EDP expression of Component List Database
concern the manufacturing industry.
Hiroshi Yamaoka
Co.,Ltd. Integrated System Institute
12-25, Fukuhamatyo
Okayamashi Japan


We need a method to express the structure of products when constructing a manufacturing control system applying to computer systems, for manufacturing industry, especially one base on components assembly.
In manufacturing control systems, we recognize those problems, such as accounting the amount of parts of structures, expression of work process of then products on the computer systems (such as material purchase->unit works->assembly works-> shipment), grasp the common parents of the parts of structures, grasp the stocked amount of the parts of structures and accounting the total manufacturing cost, summarizing each cost of the parts of structures.
We realized a solution, that is, a method of the computer-expression for the structure of products must solve those problems.
This is the necessity of a construction of Component List Database.


In the 1970's, the logics of Component List Database already developed and practical used by sub systems for global computer under the database of CODASIL. But, late 1980's, it didn't develop in small size business computers and personal computers, especially under system of relational databases.
In recent years, necessity to develop of Component List Database occurred by switch over to adopt a reasonable small size computer for key business in computer system of manufacturing industry.
There for, in 1986, we devised basic logic of Component List Database.
Beginning, we developed combination to use to BASIC language, to ISAM file and random access file.
After that when MS-DOS appearance, we develop file access system by assembly language, and we realized component list database on that system. Further when WINDOWS/95 soled in 1995, we recognized necessity under the general relational database. We developed component list database by F-BASIC language and F-ISAM file system, at the same time, we completed to develop by Visual Basic language, C language, ORACLE and MS-ACCESS.

2.The basic functions of Component List Database

Component list database take part's No., and part's structure apart of part's organization. Further, relation of parent and child of part's express to chain pointing for physically record address of organization list. It organized tools by write file, by ascent reference of organization, by reference of child part's of single class, by descent reference of organization and by reference of parent part's of single class.
We are very careful to develop then computer programs for Component List Database.
2-1.To be infinite component levels of structure organization
2-2.To be infinite component number of structure organization
2-3.Able to fasten the reference speed
2-4.Able to input and to maintain without difficulty
2-5.To be a system which doesn't need a large data capacity
2-6.Able to use by program module without difficulty
Component List Database and tool of disposal applied by step of a settlement of various problem for computer system by manufacturing industry.
In detail paper present for example of put basic logic and tool of component list database to practical use, we convinced of structuring of computer system for manufacturing industry of a help.

3. A study of the Component List Database

3-1.The basic model of Component List Database
Component List Database take parts No' and parts structure apart of part's
organization. Further, relation of parent and child of part's express to
chain pointing for physically record address of organization list.
It organized tools by write file, by ascent reference of organization,
by reference of child part's of single class, by descent reference of
organization and by reference of parent part's of single class.
Fig 1. Configuration of Component List Database.
Relations among parts in structures are expressed as follows.
Fig 2 A sample parts structures.
Component List Database for example is expressed as follows.
FPA LPA FCA LCA Parts NO Attribute data
0 0 1 3 A1
1 4 0 0 A2
2 2 0 0 A3
3 3 0 0 A4
0 0 4 6 B1
5 5 0 0 B2
6 6 0 0 B3
RNO FPA FCA NCA PCA NPA PPA Parents Parts NO Component Parts NO
1 0 0 2 0 4 0 A1 A2
2 0 0 3 1 0 0 A1 A3
3 0 0 0 2 0 0 A1 A4
4 0 0 5 0 0 1 B1 A2
5 0 0 6 4 0 0 B1 B2
6 0 0 0 5 0 0 B1 B3
3-2.The Physical address in PSFILE and the relations between PNFILE and PSFILE are as following figures.
Fig. 3 The relations between component records
Dialog Reference.
FPA: First parent address refer to PSFILE
LPA: Last parent address
FCA: First component address
LCA: Last component address
RNO: Relative record number where a component record is written in
PSFILE. When this PSFILE is organized by random access file
method, the record don't contain this item, but PSFILE operate
physical record address itself. When this PSFILE is organized by
indexed sequential access file method, RNO must be numbering
sequentially after a new component Record is written.
FPA: First parent address refer from a component record in PSFILE
FCA: First component address refer from a component record.
NCA: Next component address refer from a component record.
PCA: Previous component address refer from a component record.
NPA: Next parent address refer from a component record.
PPA: Previous parent address refer from a component record.
3-3.The composition of module
We prepare the following tools for operation of Component List Database.
3-3-1. The composition of module
(1) REGIST: Registration of component data to Component List Database.
(2) RTSGL: Get single level ascent references of organization.
(3) RTSTR: GET multi level ascent references of organization.
(4) RTISGL: Get single level descent references of organization.
(5) RTISTR: GET multi level descent references of organization.
We propose a sample of logic for each composition in next chapter. We explain these compositions as computer program module , so you ‚ƒan attain easy construct of manufacturing control systems composing these tools in the computer programs.
3-4.Registration of component data to Component List Database
This module accept a component data, which contains parent parts NO and component parts NO as a pack from the mother program and then register this component data to PNFILE and PSFILE.
3-4-1. Obtain a record from PSFILE on condition.
Condition : Parent parts NO and component parts NO of the delivery Items equal to the record from PSFILE. When result is true, update the record of PSFILE replacing by delivery items, and set '01' to the return value, then exit this module.
Hand over the parent parts NO of the delivery items to the RTISTR module and obtain multi level descent references on condition.
Condition: Component parts NO of the delivery items equal to the record from RTISTR module
When result is true, set '91' to the return value, then exit this module.
3-4-2. Obtain a records from PSFILE on condition.
Condition :The record NO of PSFILE equal to 99999999
When result is false, set values to the items of PSFILE, and update PSFILE.
When result is true, set FPA to NWA. And if NWA equal to 99999999 then set '99' to the return value, then exit this module.
3-4-3. Obtain a record from PNFILE on condition.
Condition : Parent parts NO of delivery items equal to the parts NO of the record of PNFILE
3-4-4. Obtain a record from PNFILE on condition.
Condition :Component parts NO of delivery items equal to the parts NO of the record of PNFILE
3-4-5. Obtain a access type from the following table by examining with the saved values SAFPA SAFCA SBFPA SBFCA, then perform each action showing by the access type.

Fig4. Registration Patterns
3-5. Computer tools for the references of organization.
3-5-1. RTSGL: Get single level ascent references of organization.
This module accept a part NO as delivery items from the mother programs, then get a component parts NO by single level ascent references of organization, and hand over component parts data to the mother program.
3-5-2. RTSTR: Get multi level ascent references of organization.
This module accept a part NO as delivery items from the mother programs, then get a component parts NO by multi level ascent references of organization, and hand over component parts data to the mother program.
3-5-3. RTISGL: Get single level descent references of organization.
This module accept a part NO as delivery items from the mother programs, then get a component parts NO by single level descent references of organization, and hand over component parts data to the mother program.
3-5-4. RTISTR: Get multi level descent references of organization.
This module accept a part NO as delivery items from the mother programs, then get a component parts NO by multi level descent references of organization, and hand over component parts data to the mother program.

4. Practical use applied Component List Database.

The Component List Database and those tools will be applied to many manufacturing support systems in small sized computers. Applying Component List Database and tools, easy programming could be attained in manufacturing support systems, construct correct expressions for material handling rules and could transact huge size of data volume even if in the small sized computers. Component List Database and tools of disposal must be applied by step by step of a settlement of various problem for computer system by manufacturing industry. In this chapter, we present for some example of the application programs and tools of Component List Database to practical use, we convinced of structuring of computer system for manufacturing industry of a help.
4-1. Arrangement of component manufacturing process computer master files.
We need to express a component work processes on computer when construct a manufacturing control systems. For example, imagine a component works process as follows.
Fig.5 A sample of component work process
We express such as component work process on computer systems using Component List Database and tools. First we divide the attribute information of component work process to some data groups. One is parts structure data, the other is component work process data. Parts structure data must be organized into a parts structure file using Component List Database.
4-2. Manufacture account plan for component manufacturing processes and accont for required quantities of components.
Reckon products amount and products complete date for each work processes by the orders for products. For the first step, the amount of products for the last work process (: welding in the last sample of component work process) must be reckon by the orders from customers. In next step, the amount of products for the work process before (: spot welding, shaft purchase, pipe bender) must be reckon by the results of the work process (: welding). These reckoning must be do over again until the first work process is completed. The Component List Database and the tools will be applied to the formation of work process sequence.
4-3. Pile account in manufacturing cost.
Pile account in manufacturing cost is one of the most important theme in the manufacturing management. The manufacturing costs will be sprung up in all of work processes and must be estimated the total manufacturing cost of each product item by piling the cost of each work process.
4-4. Management for supplement of components.
Suppose F corporation supply components B and components C to X inc' fabricate product A by component B and component C. In this case stock management in X inc' and offset account in the payment is a matter in manufacturing control.
4-5. Components stock management.
In a work process, component works increase product stock and decrease the component stock. The control of the stock is one of the important problems in the work process management. The Component List Database and it's tools give a solution in the stock management of components.
(1) MS-DOS is a trade-mark of Microsoft corporation.
(2) Windows/95 is a trade-mark of Microsoft corporation.
(3) F-BASIC is a trade-mark of FUJITSU co,ltd,.
(4) F-ISAM is a trade-mark of FUJITSU co,ltd,.
(5) Visual Basic is a trade-mark of Microsoft corporation.
(6) C++ is a trade-mark of Microsoft corporation.
(7) ORACLE is a trade-mark of ORACLE inc,.
(8) MS-ACCESS is a trade-mark of Microsoft corporation.